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Indigenous diaspora: Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow we continue to organize

Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO) celebrates the political engagement that got elected our new President-Elect Joe Biden and the first women Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris.

CBDIO staff doing outreach in the fields of the Central Valley

Fresno, CA: Indigenous immigrant communities celebrate the defeat of white supremacy in the White House. After four years of blatantly terrorizing our communities with xenophobic rhetoric and policies, we are hopeful.

“We know that this is the beginning of a long road of restoration for true democracy, but we are ready for it,” said Oralia Maceda, CBDIO’s Program Director. “We need to continue the movement that got us here.”

We celebrate that despite the threats to disrupt the democratic process, democracy will prevail. We will continue to seize the moment that organizers across the country built to elect President-Elect Biden and Vice-President Elect Harris. It is the time that we continue to unite forces to build an inclusive and just society for everyone -- the lives of our Black, Brown, Indigenous communities -- the survival of our mother earth depends on it.

CBDIO joins forces with our sister organization Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) and other immigrant advocacy organizations, to urge the Biden and Harris administration to make it a priority during their first 100 days in office to reverse the more than 400 actions on immigration the Trump administration has enacted. Among these actions include immigrant bans from selected countries, greater limits on refugees, generating fear among potential immigrant groups, including DACA recipients, over this administration’s draconian immigration policies.

The other priority should be to suspend immediately the Justice Department order to arrest anyone entering the country without authorization, especially Central American families crossing the southern U.S. border to seek asylum. This forced separation of hundreds of families, even the removal of infants from nursing mothers, and the mutilation of women, have been among the most inhumane policies to terrorize our communities.

“With COVID-19, we have seen the direct impact of the Trump policies in our communities,” said Miguel Villegas, Coordinator of CBDIO’s COVID-19 Equity Project in Fresno. “Our communities fear COVID-19 testing because of public charge. We need to change that immediately because it saves lives.”

“We have resisted over 500 years of colonization, genocide, and now as economic refugees in the U.S., we will continue to resist and to organize,” said Sarait Martinez, CBDIO’s Executive Director. “We will continue to organize at the local, state, and federal level to ensure that we hold our elected officials accountable just like we did with the Trump administration. CBDIO is committed to continuing to engage our indigenous immigrant communities in the U.S. democratic process.”


Sarait Martinez, 831-512-3316,

Oralia Maceda, 559-281-7631,

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